How to invest €1000 usefully

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By Birdee

How and where to invest €1000? 

1,000 euros is a little and a lot at the same time. But is it enough to invest your money and hope for some profits? Good news, at Birdee, we know several ways to invest 1000 euros! 

So, are you more into retirement savings, life insurance or crowdfunding? To help you make your choice and choose a profitable product, discover all our advice and our investment ideas to invest 1000 euros without leaving feathers!

Investing, yes, but for what purpose?

  • - To prepare for your retirement or your children's future
    - To make your savings grow
    - Support projects that are important to you
    - Build up your assets, or diversify what you already have

    And you, what is your project? This is the question you should ask yourself before investing because it will guide your choice.

What minimum amount should I invest?

At Birdee, we believe that everyone is free to invest their money, whatever their situation and starting amount. Whether you have €50, €100, €500, €1000 or more, there is always an investment solution to suit your needs and situation. 

Investing €1,000: what are the different solutions available to me?

Choose a safe investment with a life insurance policy

Whether you live in France, Belgium or Luxembourg, you can invest your money in life insurance. The principle is simple: you save the amount you want over a number of years, on a recurring or occasional basis, with a bank, insurance broker or asset management adviser. Your investments are then placed in different vehicles: euro funds and units of account (UA); the distribution varies according to the chosen profile and risk level. Although euro funds offer a certain guarantee, the return is not very high. On the other hand, unit-linked policies offer interesting returns depending on the risk level of the policy. 

Did you know? To take full advantage of the tax benefits of your life insurance policy, it is advisable to wait 8 years before withdrawing money from it.

A share savings plan (PEA) to take your first steps in the stock market

In France, the PEA allows you to invest your money in European shares. Opening a PEA gives you access to tax benefits, such as a tax exemption on your earnings after five years. 

Good to know: investments in a bank PEA are capped at €150 000.

What about thinking about your future with a retirement savings plan?

It is never too early to think about your future and prepare for your old age. To do this, you can invest in a pension savings plan (PER) if you live in France. 

How does the pension savings plan work? After paying an initial sum into your account, you make regular payments throughout your working life which will remain blocked until your retirement (except under certain exceptional conditions). 

Can't decide which sector to invest in? Find out about FCPs

A mutual fund is ideal for beginners who do not wish to manage their investments themselves. You delegate your money to a management company that chooses where to invest it. Mutual funds pool the money of several investors. Among the advantages of mutual funds: management fees are divided between each member and the possibility of accessing diversified investments (shares, bonds, real estate, etc.). The only drawback is the tax to be added on the capital gains of each payment.

Good to know: although FCPs are common in France, you should consider a SICAV if you live in Belgium.

Want to invest in real estate? Discover SCPIs.

What if we told you that investing in property without taking (too much) risk is possible! Buy shares in an SCPI, a real estate investment company (a product made in France!), and generate rental income by becoming an owner. The main advantage of the SCPI is that it takes care of the management and rental of the property. You therefore benefit from your status as an owner, without the constraints of management. In addition, you benefit from a regular return.

Invest your money on a crowdfunding platform 

Crowdfunding platforms are becoming increasingly popular with both new and experienced investors. Crowdfunding works on the principle of participatory financing. The idea is simple: a company or an individual raises money on an online platform to finance a project. Crowdfunding can take the form of donations with or without consideration, loans or equity investment.

The passbook: a friend who cares

Having a passbook, such as the Livret A in France, allows you to save in complete security. The savings book can be useful for putting your savings in or putting money aside for a future project. However, with a relatively low interest rate, do not expect to make your savings grow. 

Investing in the stock market: yes, but...

Investing in the stock market can be a dream, but it can also be risky. Indeed, investing in the stock market, just like trading, requires time to devote to it and a minimum of knowledge in the field. In addition, this type of investment involves risks in the event of a bad investment or a stock market fall, which can be unpredictable depending on the fluctuations of the financial markets. 


- Diversify your investments: put your money in several securities accounts, different countries or sectors.
- Focus on security: if you are new to investing, it is best to opt for a low-risk investment solution.
- Get support: opt for discretionary or delegated management to benefit from the advice and knowledge of an expert.
- Be aware of the risks before investing: any investment carries a risk of capital loss, i.e. a total or partial loss of the capital invested in the event of a stock market fall.
- Be patient: do not expect an immediate return and wait for the right moment to buy or sell on the stock market.


Do you have a budget of €50 or €500 to invest? We have put together some other solutions to help you grow your assets!

How to invest €50 usefully? How to invest €500 usefully?  



Find out more


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